
The Little House that Could

Wendy's napkin sketch. Don't know why but I really like this one...

Spoiled Prince

Came across an old sketch and added some color in Photoshop.


The Elbow by Theresa

Theresa, trying to describe where her elbow hurt after working out yesterday. A very effective drawing.


Was watching a special on WWII Planes. Drawing on thick manila board kinda gave it the old paper look.

The Bellhop

A newly purchased facial expressions book aided with this one. Probably slightly reminiscent of Gene Hackman as the elevator operator in the Royal Tenenbaums. This one summed up how I feel much of the time. Try really hard. Stay determined. But sometimes the actual progress seems disproportionate to the effort put in. Plus, a bellhop that has fallen behind seems really, really, really funny.



Someone asked me to draw them a tattoo of a cartoon plane. Though it was at a party and I never could get a hold of them again. Pencil scanned in with Photoshopped color.


Miss Teresa got me a Magritte book for Christmas last year. And I was feeling jittery about not being very decisive sometimes. Then I realized how comical it was. This is pastel on brown butcher paper. It can be taken more than one way. Does is show a sensible person that thinks before they speak?; Or does it show a neurotic person desparately wanting to come off as decisive, intelligent, and having conviction? :)